The farmers share of the food dollar is decreasing
The farmers share of the food dollar has been steadily declining for years. More and more over time, farmers are receiving less and less for the food that they produce.
If you search internet using the phrase “farmers share of food dollar” a whole swag of pages will come up with the titles referencing the farmers share of the food dollar being “an all-time low, declining, shrinking, record low,” and so on.
The chart below shows the farmers share of the “food dollar” has indeed fallen over time. Quite simply, the farmer is receiving a diminishing percentage of the ‘pie.’ Left unaddressed, this trend will continue.
The Second Chance Foundation 2013, Why Grow More Food: Squeezing Profits from Long Value Chins, viewed 13 September 2020, <>
What can be done about this? This is where Farm Trade Australia comes into the picture.
The underlying philosophy of Farm Trade Australia is to deliver a greater share of the returns from the “food dollar” back to farmers. By working collaboratively, Farm Trade Australia is focused on helping farmers to receive a bigger chunk of the food “pie.”
Whether it be wheat, lamb, hay or beans why shouldn’t farmers be getting more for the value they create?